How we work: The Decision Process

Our job is to ask tough questions, design creative solutions, coordinate planning resources, secure financial instruments, and manage performance results for our clients. Our work covers three phases.

1. Development phase

In the Development phase our local and national design teams work together with our clients` decision-making team to gather data, isolate and quantify potential problems, and explore solution options. This effort combines our experienced staff with a diverse range of advisory specialists and product resources and Partners Financial`s national resources, including . . .

  • Plan design specialists
  • Product and product source analysts
  • Legal and accounting specialists
  • Investment analysts and asset managers
  • Corporate and private banking specialists
  • Actuarial experts
  • Trust services providers
  • Insurance product providers

2. Implementation phase

Once our development team recommends solution alternatives, we perform a final analysis on the financial products that fit the plan parameters. Meanwhile, we coordinate with our clients` legal and financial advisors to complete documentation of the plan and define the administration procedures for the next phase.

3. Management phase

Once decision consensus has been reached, the plan moves into the Management phase. That`s when we secure the necessary service agreements to monitor the results of the plan and respond to ongoing needs. We want you to feel assured that we sit on your side of the table for the long term.

The decision process begins with the right questions.

Corporate contingency strategies

Employee benefits strategies

Retirement plan strategies

Executive benefits strategies

Family business strategies

Personal financial strategies

Legacy planning strategies

How can we help you get the answers you need?